“Shutting Out the Sun” is the title of a solo exhibition focusing entirely on my work with dance and choreography. The exhibition portrays our contemporary bodies as ever-more robotic and cyborg-like—blurring reality and virtual, displaying how our bodies operate partially in the digital world, dependent on tech or body-borne computers. It points at a social distance or melancholy, whether nightly doom scrolling or the lonely gamer who is Shutting Out the Sun, as the title says.
Unfolding over time, the exhibition consists of three live choreographies, each on show for two weeks. While the first performance centers on a solo piece by me and the second on two professional dancers moving in space, the final chapter stages a seated teenager singing. Each choreography is synched to the same “theme song”, a short and minimalistic recurring melody, filling the spaces void of almost anything but the performers’ bodies.
(The video documentation of the third part is only available through request)
Performers: Casper Alberktsen, Ottavia Catenacci, Werner Drewes, Sol Lyndgaard & Ella Madelin Prichard.
Documention: Frida Gregersen & Marlene Anne Lough